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Different times
require a different approach

technology-driven new ways of working

working in the metaverse

technology-driven new ways of working

Technology-driven new ways of working

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Different times
require a different approach

technology-driven new ways of working

working in the metaverse

technology-driven new ways of working

Technology-driven new ways of working

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Different times
require a different approach

technology-driven new ways of working

working in the metaverse

technology-driven new ways of working

Technology-driven new ways of working

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We are excited to bring together industry leaders, visionaries, and experts to share their insights and expertise at The Workplace Transformation Summit. Our lineup of keynote speakers represents some of the most influential voices in Data Science, Facility Management, Real-estate, HR, Organizational Culture, AI and the Metaverse, and we are thrilled to have them join us for this first edition of the event.

All represented fields of expertise intersect with or are influenced by advancements in technology and digitalization. Each of these areas leverages data, technology, or digital platforms to enhance operations, decision-making, efficiency, and innovation within their respective domains.
To this end, each of the keynote speakers brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the stage, and their contributions promise to enrich our discussions and inspire us towards new perspectives and innovative solutions.

Aaron Mirck

Speaker about technology, AI,
working smarter and digital etiquette

My mission is to make technology understandable to the general public. And to provide insights into the impact of technology on society. “I believe we will become a lot smarter, nicer, more productive and happier if we use technology more consciously.” I'm a sought-after speaker who lectures on technology throughout the country. 


I wrote the following books:

Dit algoritme deugt niet, een verzameling gedichten over technologie.

Niet appen tijdens het eten, een boek over digitale etiquette dat de vraag beantwoordt: hoe heurt het op het internet?


AI, voorbij de hype. This book teaches you what's really going on with artificial intelligence and will be released on May 30. 

Diana Russo

HR & organizational innovator
speaker, ‘advisor by doing’, trainer & facilitator

After more than 10 years of experience in HR leadership roles, I realized that there was a fundamental shift taking place that would drastically transform the way we organize work and design organizations. This triggered me to test new approaches, research in the field and develop new thought models, and made me start my own consulting firm in 2009!

In the 15 years that followed, I focused my activities on helping organizations in their transformation from traditional organizations to dynamic and agile organizations.
With the concept of ‘The 12 Ingredients of Agile Organizations’, a special focus on (Digital) Employee Experience and People-centric Leadership, I inspire and ignite HR, Leadership, and Teams to explore the future of work and embrace ‘new’ ways of working.

Dr. Will Hurst

Associate Professor in Data Science and eXtended Realities &
Head of the Social Creative Technologies Lab

I’m an Associate Professor in Data Science and eXtended Realities in the Information Technology Group at Wageningen University. I've writen more than 100 international publications in the areas of data science, creative technologies, critical infrastructures, simulation, and 3D graphics.
Before working at WUR, I was an award-winning Reader (Associate Professor) in Creative Technologies at the Department of Computer Science, Liverpool John Moores University, where I worked for 6 years.
During this time, I taught a variety of subjects including Data Visualisation, Digital Games Content Production, Internet and Web Technologies, Interactive Multimedia Systems and Digital Storytelling.

Niek Lettink MSc.

Director and consultant at YNNO

I’m passionate about societal innovations and disruptive changes in work and the work environment. Through reasoning from broad social developments and future perspectives and making these practically applicable, I try to make the world of work better.
My track record varies from assignments at international corporates to local municipalities. Most important similarity between all these organizations? There is a major societal change that impacts their way of working.

Dr. Herman Kok

Thought leader and co-founder
The Workplace Transformation Company

I'm deeply committed to revolutionizing the way we perceive and utilize workspaces in the digital age. My work centers on unraveling the dynamics between workplaces, technology, and society leading to workplace transformations, shaping the future of management practices and societal norms.

In my capacity as a researcher, I delve into the fascinating realm of environment-user relationships. My research sheds light on how the design and atmosphere of workspaces impact productivity, collaboration, and overall well-being, providing actionable insights for creating optimal work environments. With my dual role as a lecturer at Wageningen University, I bring a unique blend of academic rigor and practical expertise to the table.
I hold a PhD in Management Studies from Wageningen University, with my research centered on the added value of facility management. I previously wrote four books about the intersection of marketing and facility management and three (scientific) book contributions about the added value of facility management and facility operations.


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